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generateSequence(A, int) - Method in class uk.co.rafilevy.MarkovModels.MarkovModel
Generates a random sequence according to the model's transition probabilities with a fixed length
generateSequence(A, A) - Method in class uk.co.rafilevy.MarkovModels.MarkovModel
Generates a random sequence according to the model's transition probabilities with a given start and end state The sequence will be continually generated until the end state is reached at which point it will terminate
generateSequence(H, int) - Method in class uk.co.rafilevy.MarkovModels.HiddenMarkovModel
Generates a random emitted sequence following the model's probabilities with a fixed length
generateSequence(H, H) - Method in class uk.co.rafilevy.MarkovModels.HiddenMarkovModel
Generates a random emitted sequence following the model's probabilities with a given start and end state
generateString() - Method in class uk.co.rafilevy.MarkovModels.StringBigramModel
Generates a random string sequence using the model's probabilities of transitioning from a given string pair to another
generateString() - Method in class uk.co.rafilevy.MarkovModels.StringMarkovModel
Generates a random string sequence using the model's probabilities of transitioning from a given string to another
generateString() - Method in class uk.co.rafilevy.MarkovModels.StringTrigramModel
Generates a random string sequence using the model's probabilities of transitioning from a given string triple to another
generateString() - Method in interface uk.co.rafilevy.MarkovModels.TextGenerativeModel
get(A, B) - Method in class uk.co.rafilevy.utils.ValueGrid.ValueGrid
Returns the value in the specified row or column
getColumn(B) - Method in class uk.co.rafilevy.utils.ValueGrid.ValueGrid
Returns a copy of a specified column as a Map
getColumns() - Method in class uk.co.rafilevy.utils.ValueGrid.ValueGrid
Returns a set of all the column which have been added
getFirst() - Method in class uk.co.rafilevy.utils.Pair.Pair
Gets the first item from the pair
getFirst() - Method in class uk.co.rafilevy.utils.Pair.Trip
Gets the first item in the triple
getRow(A) - Method in class uk.co.rafilevy.utils.ValueGrid.ValueGrid
Returns a copy of a specified row as a Map
getRows() - Method in class uk.co.rafilevy.utils.ValueGrid.ValueGrid
Returns a set of all the rows which have been added
getSecond() - Method in class uk.co.rafilevy.utils.Pair.Pair
Gets the second item from the pair
getSecond() - Method in class uk.co.rafilevy.utils.Pair.Trip
Gets the second item in the triple
getThird() - Method in class uk.co.rafilevy.utils.Pair.Trip
Gets the third item in the triple
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