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fromSequences(Collection<List<T>>) - Static method in class uk.co.rafilevy.MarkovModels.MarkovModel
A static factory method creating a new MarkovModel given a collection of state sequences
fromSequences(Map<List<HT>, List<ET>>) - Static method in class uk.co.rafilevy.MarkovModels.HiddenMarkovModel
A static factory method which creates a model given pairs of hidden and emitted sequences which define the model's transition and emission probabilities
fromStrings(Collection<String>, String) - Static method in class uk.co.rafilevy.MarkovModels.StringBigramModel
A static factory method to create a model given a collection of string state sequences to be split into sequences with a given regex using a default start and end string pair
fromStrings(Collection<String>, String) - Static method in class uk.co.rafilevy.MarkovModels.StringMarkovModel
A static factory method to create a model given a collection of string state sequences to be split into sequences with a given regex with a default start and end string
fromStrings(Collection<String>, String) - Static method in class uk.co.rafilevy.MarkovModels.StringTrigramModel
A static factory method to create a model given a collection of string state sequences to be split into sequences with a given regex using a default start and end string
fromStrings(Collection<String>, String, String, String) - Static method in class uk.co.rafilevy.MarkovModels.StringBigramModel
A static factory method to create a model given a collection of string state sequences to be split into sequences with a given regex
fromStrings(Collection<String>, String, String, String) - Static method in class uk.co.rafilevy.MarkovModels.StringMarkovModel
A static factory method to create a model given a collection of string state sequences to be split into sequences with a given regex
fromStrings(Collection<String>, String, String, String) - Static method in class uk.co.rafilevy.MarkovModels.StringTrigramModel
A static factory method to create a model given a collection of string state sequences to be split into sequences with a given regex
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